Wednesday 9 December 2020

Announcement of Outdoor Carols for Sunday 20th December 2020 at 4.00pm

The Elders have taken the decision, made possible under new government guidelines, to hold an short outdoor carol service on Sunday, 20th December, at 4.00pm. 

It will include 6 carols and, as long as we are socially distanced, standing in family groups, or as individuals two metres apart, we can sing! 

This will beheld outside on the Woodside Road aspect of the church grounds. If you wish to join us, print off the service sheet from the website, bring a torch and if you wish to sit down a deckchair. 

Stewards will be present to enable to event to go ahead safely.  If the weather is very bad we will notify that the event is cancelled through the website. 

Many churches are holding such services next week and it will be a privilege for us to come together and sing on Sunday 20th December 2020 at 4.00pm.

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