Thursday 10 December 2020

Christmas Day Registration

 We agreed at our Elders' Meeting on Tuesday that it would be good if people registered their intention to attend the 10.30am 'In-Person' service at AFC on Christmas Day.

This isn't usually the biggest service of the season (that honour falls to both the Nativity and Carol Services the Sunday before!), but we think it is important to make this service as safe as possible, which means not crowding out the Sanctuary.  

We have room, under our Covid Risk Assessment for between 60-70 worshippers - much reduced from our pre Pandemic seating capacity of 170. 

So, it will be so helpful to us if you could contact the church office or your elder and tell us if you are coming, and how many will be in your party.  The stewards will then have a masterlist available to them on the day.  Many churches are doing this on a weekly basis for their services, we are not at that point but we do feel it would be helpful for Christmas Day.  In doing so you will be really helping us make our time of worship a safe experience in which we can worship God together.

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