Tuesday 8 December 2020

Tuesday 8th December 2020: Nativity Scene: Carolyn and Bryan Long

On holiday in Corfu, when our two children were below 5 years old, a young couple took a shine to us as a family. We had no further contact until Christmas that year, when this couple sent us this nativity scene as a Chrstmas present to us all. The couple belonged to a church in Southampton.

We had always presented this scene in a prominent place every Christmas time. As our children grew up, they always asked to hear the story of the nativity, and when grandchildren came along, they wanted to hear the story, just like our children did. Last Christmas we gave the scene to our daughter, so the storytelling can continue with her children, hopefully moving on to another generation in due course.

A Christmas nativity with memories !
Bryan and Carolyn

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Christmas Eve: Nativity Scene: Hazel Richardson

  Hazel writes: Here is a photo of our nativity scene. At first it had no shepherds, which bothered me, so I eventually bought one - althoug...