We learnt about Paradoxes this week in our Year 5 RE lesson. Paradoxes, coming after a discussion about the incarnation is quite a tall order for 9-year olds! Anyway, we looked at paradoxes; a statement or proposition which, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems logically unacceptable or self-contradictory. In other words, the paradox of the King of kings, God’s beloved son, our Saviour Jesus Christ coming to Earth as a poor, vulnerable new-born baby. This paradox, which is so opposed to any common sense, never ceases to put a smile on my face. A smile that I have had now for a very long time!
The Green family had to self-isolate during
November. Poor Matthew picked up COVID at school. He only thought he had a headache
but locked himself into his bedroom with a packet of paracetamol and a home
test kit, whilst life went on as normal for the rest of us. Until day 4 that is,
when he got a positive result texted through to him and the whole family had to
self-isolate. At that point we all tried to avoid each other, zoomed from
different rooms in the house and cleaned continuously for the next 6 days. On
day 10 Matthew came out of his bedroom again, thankfully none the worse for
ware, whilst the rest of us needed to complete our 14-day sentence before we
went back to work. I was overjoyed to finally be going back to school and it
was good to be welcomed back by colleagues. Children however often do not know
how to respond to teachers and they certainly did not know how to respond to my
reappearance. Children see us adults as alien creatures, not realising that we
too are human, can make mistakes or can even catch viruses. I got a few,
awkward sideways glances in the playground. One or two braver souls said, “It’s
Mrs Green!” The paradox was that it was Jimmy, yes Jimmy “the naughty boy”,
Jimmy the child who has to be told twice, Jimmy, who if anyone was going to
break it, it was going to be Jimmy, yes it was no other than Jimmy who momentarily
left his game of tag, came up to me and said, ”It’s nice to have you back Miss!”
the paradox made me smile for the rest of the day.
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